Wednesday, July 19, 2017


Today, I am announcing the launch of my Patreon! For those who don't know, Patreon is a way for people to sponsor content creators on a long-term basis. It is a way for creatives on the internet to earn money doing what they love outside of more traditional ad revenue models and really connect with the people who make all this possible.

In my case, you can commit to a monthly subscription of any amount you choose. Higher amounts unlock rewards, or ways for me to say thank you for your support and generosity.

I've been doing this blog for almost 2 years now, and it's something I'd really like to keep going far into the future. But, for me to do that, I'm going to need a little help.

Don't worry, my recipes will always be free for everyone. As will any food videos that I will hopefully put out in the future. This isn't a way to pay for my content, just a way to support me so I can make better content.

You should take this Patreon launch as my commitment to—outside of emergencies, vacations, or final exams—make 2 posts per week. Thank you so much for supporting me. Even if you don't give through Patreon, thank you so much for being here. You all have made this a joy for me.

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